This symposium will provide opportunities for stakeholders to network and explore promising practices, technologies, and data-sharing strategies related to university expertise systems. The event is targeted at entities in Florida’s universities that collect and disseminate information about faculty research, publications, and professional activities.
Expertise systems have been serving universities, businesses, and the research community for more than two decades. Here in Florida, many of our universities maintain expertise and research information management systems—sometimes several in the same institution. Additionally, multiple entities at each university are producers, managers, and consumers of research and scholarly data. These organizations include libraries and faculty advancement, communications, research, industry engagement, and commercialization offices. There is also the statewide research portal for promoting expertise across Florida’s universities—Florida ExpertNet.
One goal of the symposium is to create a community of practice to promote collaboration within and across universities to maximize the value of these systems.
Applications of University Expertise Systems
Assistant Professor of Sociology
Co-leader of the Network Science Module at the Clinical and Translational Science Institute
University of Florida
Connecting the Dots: Using Computational Social Science and Social Network Data to Map and Foster Scientific Collaboration
Senior Program Officer
OCLC Research
Research Information Management in the United States
Primary audiences include university faculty and staff involved with any type of university expertise system—from the following offices: