Professional Presentations
Pre-clinical sodium MRI/MRS at ultra-high magnetic fields up to 21.1 T;
Invited Lecture, June 2018; Sir Peter Mansfield Imaging Centre, School of Medicine, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK. ; 2018
In vivo Rodent MRI at 21.1 T;
Invited Lecture, December 2010; The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, M.D.; 2010
Tumor drug resistance and sodium-diffusion MRI in rat glioma model;
The 20th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Melbourne, Australia, May 2012; ISMRM; 2012
Potentials and hurdles for human MRI and MRS experiments at 20T;
SCMR/ISMRM Jointly Sponsored Workshop, January 2013 ; SCMR/ISMRM ; 2013
In vivo triple quantum effects of bound potassium and sodium at 21.1 T;
South-Eastern Magnetic Resonance Conference, Daytona Beach, Florida, USA, October 2015; SEMRC; 2015
Revealing physiology by triple quantum magnetic resonance in vivo;
International Conference, Physical Phenomena at High Magnetic Field (PPHMF-8) Tallahassee, Florida,USA, January 2016; PPHMF-8; 2016