McHale, J. (2015). Coparenting in Europe, 2015: Celebrations of advances and cautions about misdirection. Family Science (in press).
Salman-Engin, S., Little, T. Gaskin-Butler, V. & McHale, J. (in press). A prenatal coparenting intervention with unmarried father-mother dyads: Fidelity of intervention delivery by male-female community mentor teams. Journal of Nursing Research.
Gaskin-Butler, V., McKay, K., Gallardo, G., Salman-Engin, S., Little, T. & McHale, J. (2015). Thinking three rather than 2+1: How a coparenting framework can transform infant mental health efforts with unmarried African American parents. ZERO TO THREE Journal, 35, 49-59.
McHale, J. & Dickstein, S. (in press). The interpersonal context of early childhood development: A systemic approach to infant-family assessment. In A. Carter & R. DelCarmen Wiggins (Eds), Oxford Handbook of Infant, Toddler, and Preschool Mental Health Assessment, Second Edition. Oxford University Press.
McHale, J. & Phares, V. (2015). From dyads to family systems: A bold new direction for Infant Mental Health practice. ZERO TO THREE Journal, 35, 1-8.
McHale, J., Salman., S. & Coovert, M. (2015). Improvements in unmarried African American parents’ rapport, communication and problem-solving following a prenatal coparenting intervention. Family Process (in press).
McHale, J. & Coates, E. (2014). Observed coparenting and triadic dynamics in African American fragile families at 3 months post-partum. Infant Mental Health Journal.
McHale, J. (2014). 3-month-olds in fragile family systems catalyse father and triadic engagement through selective gaze patterns. Infant Mental Health Journal Supplement to Volume 35, Issue 3 (May-June) p. 23.
McHale, J. (2014). Preface for E. Fivaz-Depeursinge & D. Phillip. The Baby and the Couple: Understanding and Treating Young Families. London: Routeledge Press.
McHale, J. (2014). Career reflections: Family systems and infant mental health. In K. Nugent (Ed). Leaders in the field of Infant Mental Health: The History Project. World Association for Infant Mental Health.
McHale, J., Gaskin-Butler, V. McKay, K. & Gallardo, G. (2013). Figuring It Out for the Child: Fostering coparenting in unmarried expectant African American parents. ZERO TO THREE Journal, 33, 17-22.
McHale, J., Rao, N. and Dinh, K. (2013). Coparenting and family dynamics in South and Southeast Asian cultures In H. Selin (Ed.), Parenting across cultures - Childrearing, motherhood and fatherhood in non-Western cultures. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Springer Publishers.
Kuersten-Hogan, R. & McHale, J. (2013). Coparenting observations in two-parent families across contexts and time. In N. Favez, F. Frascarolo, H. & Tissot (Eds.), The baby within the triad: The development of family alliance. Bruxelles, BEL: De Boeck.
McHale, J. & Kurrien, R. (2013). Le coparentage comme construit universel caractérisant diverses formes familiales: Avancées et perspectives. In N. Favez, F. Frascarolo, H. & Tissot (Eds.), The baby within the triad: The development of family alliance. Bruxelles, BEL: De Boeck..
McHale, J., Salman, S., Strozier, A. & Cecil, D. (2013). Triadic interactions in mother-grandmother coparenting systems following maternal release from incarceration. Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development, 78, 57-74. doi: 10.1111/mono.12021
McHale, J. & Carter, D. (2012). Applications of Focused Coparenting Consultation with unmarried and divorced families, Independent Practitioner, 32, 106-110.
Fieldstone, L., Lee, M., Baker, J. & McHale, J. (2012). Perspectives on parenting coordination: Views of parenting coordinators, attorneys and judiciary members. Family Court Review, 50, 441-454. doi: 10.1111/j.1744-1617.2012.01459
Gaskin-Butler, V., Engert, T., Markewitz, M., Swenson, C. & McHale, J. (2012). Prenatal representations of coparenting in unmarried African American mothers. Family Process, 51, 357-372. PMID: 22984974. doi: 10.1111/j.1545-5300.2012.01409.x.
McHale, J., Waller, M. & Pearson, J. (2012. Coparenting interventions for fragile families: What do we know and where do we need to go next? Family Process, 51, 284-306. PMID: 22984970. doi: 10.1111/j.1545-5300.2012.01402.x.
Fieldstone, L., Carter, D., King, T. & McHale, J. (2011). Training, skills and practices of Parenting Coordinators: Florida Statewide Study. Family Court Review, 49, 801-817. doi: 10.1111/j.1744-1617.2011.01415
McHale, J. (2011) Assessing coparenting. In J. McHale & K. Lindahl (Eds.), Coparenting: A conceptual and clinical examination of family systems. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association Press.(pp 149-170).
McHale, J. (2011) Afterword: Coparenting as paradigm. In J. McHale & K. Lindahl (Eds.), Coparenting: A conceptual and clinical examination of family systems. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association Press (pp 289-294).
McHale, J. (2011). Coparenting: Children. In M. Craft-Rosenberg & S. Rae-Pehler (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Family Health. Los Angeles: Sage Publications (pp. 241-243).
McHale, J. & Irace, K. (2011) Coparenting in diverse family systems. In J. McHale & K. Lindahl (Eds.), Coparenting: A conceptual and clinical examination of family systems. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association Press (pp. 15-38).
McHale, J. & Lindahl, K. (2011) Introduction: What is coparenting? In J. McHale & K. Lindahl (Eds.), Coparenting: A conceptual and clinical examination of family systems. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association Press (pp. 3-12).
McHale, J. & Lindahl, K. (2011). Coparenting: A conceptual and clinical examination of family systems. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association Press.
Strozier, A., Armstrong, M., Skuza, S., Cecil, D. & McHale, J. (2011). Coparenting in kinship families with an incarcerated mother: A qualitative study. Families in Society, 92(1), 55-61. PMCID: PMC3124244. doi: 10.1606/1044-3894.4064
Baker, J., McHale, J., Strozier, A. & Cecil, D. (2010). The nature of mother-grandmother coparenting alliances in families with incarcerated mothers: A pilot study. Family Process, 49, 165-184. PMCID: PMC3074509. doi: 10.1111/j.1545-5300.2010.01316.x
McHale, J. & Fivaz-Depeursinge, E. (2010). Principles of effective coparenting and its assessment in infancy and early childhood. In S. Tyano, M. Keren, H. Herrman & J. Cox (Eds.), Parenting and mental health: A bridge between infant and adult psychiatry. London: John Wiley & Sons (pp 383-397).
McHale, J. (2010). La sfida della cogenitorialita. Milan, Italy: Rafaello Cortina Editore.
McHale, J. & Irace, K. (2010). Focused Coparenting Consultation: Helping parents coordinate to support children. Independent Practitioner, 30, 164-170.
Frascarolo, F., Dimitrova, N., Zimmermann, G., Favez, N., Kuersten-Hogan, R., Baker, J. & McHale, J. (2009). Présentation de l'adaptation française du "Questionnaire de co-parentage" de McHale. Neuropsychiatrie de L'Enfance et de L'Adolescence, 57, 221–226. PMCID: PMC2719858. doi: 10.1016/j.neurenf.2008.11.005
Lauretti, A. & McHale, J. (2009). Shifting patterns of parenting styles between dyadic and family settings: The role of marital distress. In M. Russo and A. De Luca (Eds.), Psychology of Family Relationships (pp 99-113) New York: Nova Sciences.
Talbot, J., Baker, J. & McHale, J. (2009). Sharing the love: Coherence of mind forecasts coparenting adjustment during early infancy. Parenting: Science and Practice, 9, 56-77. PMCID: PMC2721334. doi: 10.1080/15295190802656760
McHale, J. (2009). Shared child-rearing in nuclear, fragile, and kinship family systems: Evolution, dilemmas, and promise of a coparenting framework. In M. Schulz, M Pruett, P. Kerig & R. Parke (Eds.) Strengthening couple relationships for optimal child development: Lessons from research and intervention (pp. 77-94). Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association.
McHale, J., Berkman, J., Kavanaugh, K., Carleton, M. & Alberts, A. (2009). Discovery and construction: Uncovering early family-infant dynamics through the use of observational methodologies. In C. Lightfoot & M. Lyra (Eds.), Challenges and strategies for studying human development in cultural contexts (pp. 63-85). Roma: Carlo Amore Edizioni.
Vo-Jutabha, E.D., Dinh, K., McHale, J. & Valsiner, J. (2009). A qualitative analysis of Vietnamese adolescent identity exploration within and outside an ethnic enclave. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 38, 672-690. PMID: 19636763 doi: 10.1007/s10964-008-9365-9
Elliston, D, McHale, J., Talbot, J., Parmley, M. & Kuersten-Hogan, R. (2008). Withdrawal from coparenting interactions during early infancy. Family Process, 47, 481-498. PMCID: PMC2761708. doi: 10.1111/j.1545-5300.2008.00267.x
Bellas, V. & McHale, J. (2008). Processing process: A microgenetic look at the microgenetic analysis of toddlers' affective processing. In E. Abbey & R. Diriwaechter (Eds.), Innovating genesis: Microgenesis and the constructive mind in action (pp. 107-136). Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing.
Cecil, D., McHale, J. & Strozier, A. (2008). Female inmates, family caregivers, and young children’s adjustment: A research agenda and implications for corrections programming. Journal of Criminal Justice, 36, 513-521. PMCID: PMC2641026. doi: 10.1016/j.jcrimjus.2008.09.002
Khazan, I., McHale, J. & DeCourcey, W. (2008). Violated wishes concerning division of childcare labor predict early coparenting process during stressful and non-stressful family evaluations. Infant Mental Health Journal, 29, 343-361. PMCID: PMC2746667. doi: 10.1002/imhj.20183
McHale, J. & Sullivan, M. (2008). Family systems. In M. Hersen & A. Gross (Eds.), Handbook of Clinical Psychology, Volume II: Children and Adolescents (pp. 192-226). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
McHale, J., Fivaz-Depeursinge, E., Dickstein, S., Robertson, J. & Daley, M. (2008). New evidence for the social embeddedness of infants’ early triangular capacities. Family Process, 47, 445-463. PMCID: PMC2761722
McHale, J. (2007) Charting the bumpy road of coparenthood: Understanding the challenges of family life. Washington: Zero to Three Press.
McHale, J. (2007). When infants grow up in multiperson relationship systems. Infant Mental Health Journal, 28, 1-23.PMID: 21512615. doi: 10.1002/imhj.20142
McHale, J. (2007). Coparenting difficulties: Effects on infants and toddlers. ZERO TO THREE Journal, 27, 57-61.
McHale, J., Baker, J. & Radunovich, H. (2007). When people parent together: Let’s talk about coparenting. FCS2277, Department of Family, Youth and Community Sciences Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida,.
McHale, J. & Rotman, T. (2007). Is seeing believing? Expectant parents’ outlooks on coparenting and later coparenting solidarity. Infant Behavior & Development, 30, 63-81.PMCID: PMC1913102 doi: 10.1016/j.infbeh.2006.11.007
Talbot, J., Elliston, D., Thompson, J., Scull, C., Lieberson, R. & McHale, J (2006). Do early coparenting dynamics benefit from coherent states of mind with respect to attachment? Infant Mental Health Journal, 27(3), No. 43.
McHale, J., Kuersten, R. & Lauretti, A. (2006). Valutazione della co-genitorialita e delle dinamiche a livello familiare durante la prima e la seconda infanzia : Il sistema dicodifica della co-genitorialita e della familiglia. In F. Angeli (Ed.), Sistemi di codifica per l’osservazione delle relazioni familiari. Milano, Italy: Stampa Tipomonza (pp. 91-113).
McHale, J., Alberts, A., Kuersten-Hogan, R. & Elliston, D. (2005). The family collective: Locating infant development within multi-parent socialization systems. Infant Mental Health Promotion, 42, 1-6.
McHale, J, Vinden, P., Bush, L., Richer, D., Shaw, D. & Smith, B. (2005). Patterns of adjustment among sport-involved and non-involved urban, middle school children. Sociology of Sport Journal, 22, 119-136.
McHale, J., Kuersten-Hogan, R. & Rao, N. (2004). Growing points in the study of coparenting relationships. Journal of Adult Development, 11, 221-235.
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McHale, J., Kavanaugh, K. & Berkman, J. (2003). Sensitivity to infants' signals: As much a mandate for family researchers as for parents. In A. Booth & A. Crouter (Eds.), Children's influence on family dynamics: The neglected side of family relationships. (pp. 91-108). New Jersey: Erlbaum.
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