ExpertConnect App

ExpertConnect is a free app that makes it simple to embed ExpertNet content within any website wrapper. We create a customized display for organizations in the public, private, and non-profit sectors (such as universities, state agencies, councils, research consortia, and economic development agencies). What gets displayed on your site is selected by you based on what is relevant to your audience.

Here are some examples of customized displays we have created for university departments and a template for chambers of commerce:

The process is easy. Here are the steps we need to take together:

  • You contact us to set up a time to meet and discuss your needs.
  • We create a protootype for your review and feedback.
  • We develop based on your specificatioins.
  • We give you the iframe code.

When you have completed your review, simply copy the iframe code and paste it into your web page. Voila! You now have a tool to connect your audience with valuable university expertise and resources.

Get Started

If you have questions or want to know how to implement ExpertConnect on your site, please email us at the address below.


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