Peer Review Positions
Over 150 technical & scientific articles, Various peer reviewed and trade publications, TV, radio, newspapers, etc.; 1986 - 2012
Professional Presentations
Over 200 presentations at National and International Conferences;
Various; Various; 2012
Other Professional Activities
Besides my academic and research credentials, I have extensive international professional experience, having worked, consulted, and established research, commercial and educational programs and projects for the private and government sectors in > 20 countries throughout 5 continents over the last 30 years. Expertise in obtaining funding, planning, designing, implementing and running marine fish hatcheries and growout aquaculture operations, including training of scientific, technical and managerial staff. Experience in designing, planning and implementing aquaculture projects, ventures and operations for both government and private sector in a number of countries. PI and Co-PI in current and past government grants, including biological, environmental, social and economical studies related to aquaculture development. Experience in obtaining funds from government agencies, research and educational institutions and the private sector both in the U.S. and abroad.
For the past ten years, co-organizer and primary instructor of the Annual UM-IATTC Tuna Workshop at the Achotines Laboratory in Panama, C.A., attended by leading tuna scientists and biologists/farmers from the world over. Consultant to several aquaculture companies, government institutions and universities and in a number of countries (list and/or references available upon request). Scientific Coordinator of Offshore Aquaculture Demonstration Projects conducted in partnership with the private sector and the government. Currently leading the Aquaculture Program at RSMAS University of Miami and carrying out interdisciplinary research and technology transfer for the development of sustainable aquaculture projects in the US, Australia, Brazil, Ecuador, Chile, Colombia, Panama, Mexico, the Bahamas and other Asian, European and Latin American countries. Prior to joining the faculty of the University of Miami in 1998, I was a research scientist at Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution in Ft. Pierce, Florida.