Research Terms
Ends | Title |
07-2016 |
ERICH-Ethnic/Racial Variations in Intracerebral Hemorrhage.
ERICH-Ethnic/Racial Variations in Intracerebral Hemorrhage.
08-2014 |
Genetic Risk and AF Detection in Stroke (GRADS study)
Genetic Risk and AF Detection in Stroke (GRADS study)
07-2014 |
ERICH-Ethnic/Racial Variations in Intracerebral Hemorrhage
ERICH-Ethnic/Racial Variations in Intracerebral Hemorrhage
07-2013 |
ERICH-Ethinc/Racial Variations in Intracerebal Hemorrhage
ERICH-Ethinc/Racial Variations in Intracerebal Hemorrhage
Koch S, Zuniga S, Rabinstein RA, Romano JG, Nolan B, Chirinos J, Forteza A. Ischemic stroke severity and early neurological course in patients with probable sleep apnea. Is sleep apnea neuroprotective? Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Disease 2007;16:114-118.
Romano JG, Rabinstein AA, Arheart KL, Nathan S, Campo-Bustillo I, Koch S, Forteza AM.Microemboli in aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage. J Neuroimaging 2008 Oct;18(4):396-401.
Koch S, Romano JG, Forteza AM, Mejia-Otero C, Rabinstein AA. Rapid blood pressure reduction in acute intracerebral hemorrhage: Feasibility and safety. Neurocritical Care 2008; 8(3):316-21.
Koch, S. Preconditioning the Human Brain: Practical Considerations for Proving Cerebral Protection. Translational Stroke Research 2010;1:161-169.
Koch S, Katsnelson M, Dong C, Perez-Pinzon, M. Remote ischemic limb preconditioning after subarachnoid hemorrhage: A Phase Ib study of safety and feasibility. Stroke 2011; 42:1387-1391.
Koch S, Concha M, Wazzan T, Romano JG, Forteza A. High Dose Human Serum Albumin for the Treatment of Acute Ischemic Stroke: A Safety Study. Neurocritical Care 2004;1:335-341
Koch S, Murtaza A, Rabinstein AA, Reyes-Igesias Y, Romano JG, Forteza A. Diffusion-weighted MR imaging in symptomatic vertebrobasilar atherosclerosis and dissection. Archives of Neurology 2005;62:1228-1231.
Koch S, Forteza A, Lavernia C, Romano JG, , Campo N, Bhatia R, Campo-Bustillo I. MR imaging after hip and knee replacement. Journal of Neuroimaging 2007;17:332-335.
Koch S, Romano JG, Amir M, Forteza AM. Ultrasound velocity criteria for vertebral origin stenosis. Journal of Neuroimaging 2009; 242-245.
Koch S, Forteza A, Lavernia C, Romano JG, Campo-Bustillo I, Campo N, Gold S. Cerebral fat microembolism and cognitive decline following hip and knee replacement. Stroke 2007;38:1079-1081.