Sigma Xi,
1995 - present
Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry,
1986 - present
Professional Presentations
South Florida Mercury Science Program: Lessons Learned;
2nd Annual Monitoring Forum GOMA; Gulf of Mexico Alliance; 2009
Status and Trends of the Landscape-Scale Mercury Problem in South Florida and the Everglades;
6th Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry World Congress ; Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry; 2012
Trophic Transfer of Mercury to Sharks off Southwest Florida;
10th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant (ICMGP); International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant (ICMGP); 2011
Other Professional Activities
2011 Invited participant – Gulf of Mexico Alliance Mercury Forum, Pensacola Beach, Fl.
2010 Invited participant – National Science and Technology Council’s Joint Sub-Committee on Ocean Science and Technology (JSOST) Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Principal Investigator (PI) Conference. St. Petersburg, FL
2010 Served on steering committee - Gulf of Mexico Alliance Mercury Forum, Sarasota, FL
2006-10 Editorial Board: Environmental Bioindicators Journal
1996-10 Peer-reviewer for the following journals: Archives of Environ. Contam. and Toxic., Biological Conservation, Ecotoxicology, Environ. Res., Environ. Monit. Assess, Environ. Sci. Tech., Environ. Pollut., J. of Mar. Environ. Res., Sci. of the Total Environ, Transactions of the American Fisheries Society.
2008 Invited participant – Gulf of Mexico Alliance Mercury Workshop, Gulfport, MS
2008 Invited participant – National Mercury Monitoring Workshop (US EPA), Annapolis, MD
2008 Served on the program committee-Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 2008 Annual Meeting
2008 Served on Independent Technical Review Team for Chesapeake Research Consortium to assess risk associated with various beneficial uses of contaminated sediments dredged from Baltimore Harbor, MD.
2008 Invited participant – Mercury-Sulfur Workshop (FL Dept. Environmental Protection), Homestead, FL
2007 Proposal reviewer for National Science Foundation
2006 Member Expert Panel: Mercury Bioindicators; 14th International Conference on Environmental Bioindicators
2005 Co-Chair of symposium titled “Florida Ecosystem: Case Studies and Relevance for Risk Analyses”; 2005 Annual Meeting of the Society for Risk Analysis
2000-2004 Served on selection committee, Amer. Assoc. Advancement Sci. - Science and Technology Policy Fellowship Programs
2002 Invited as breakout-group leader for 2-day workshop developing mercury science strategy for CALFED Bay-Delta System, Monterey, CA
2001 Committee member, EcoRisk Focus Group, Florida Contaminated Soils Forum
1999 Co-organizer of workshop on “Effects Assessment for Mercury in Fish-eating Birds: Setting an Avian Wildlife Criterion”