Research Terms
Cardiovascular Disease Covid-19 Diabetes Health Economics Latin America
American Heart Association, Member; 2013 - present
International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research, Member; 2012 - present
AcademyHealth, Chicago, Member; 2007 - present
Moderating effect of partner smoking on pregnant women’s intention to stop smoking: applying the reasoned action approach., Addiction Research & Theory; 2020 - 2020
Assessment of Patient Safety Culture in 10 Colombian hospitals [in Spanish]., Hospitalaria 129 (1), 18-22.; 2020 - 2020
Evaluating Ryan White Part A HIV Health Support Services in Palm Beach County, Palm Beach County; 2020 - 2021
Updated REST Application in Excel and KAP Assessment., Pan American Health Organization: PAHO; 2020 - 2021
2018 Healthcare Management Americas Survey on patient safety culture in Peru [in Spanish]., Acta Médica Peruana, 36(4), 309-311.; 2019 - 2019
Health System Approaches are Needed to Expand Telemedicine Use Across Nine Latin American Nations., Health Affairs, 38(2), 212-221.; 2019 - 2019
Disaster Risk and Resilience in the Americas (DRRA), USAID; 2019 - 2022
The birth weight toll of mining pollution: evidence from the most contaminated mine site in the Andean region., BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, 125(10), 1272-1278.; 2018 - 2018
Cost-effectiveness analysis of SMART hospitals in three Caribbean countries (extension), Pan American Health Organization: PAHO; 2018 - 2019
Assessment of patient safety culture in private and public hospitals in Peru, International Journal for Quality in Health Care; 2018 - 2018
Trends in racial and ethnic disparities in childhood asthma in Miami, Florida: 2005–2013., Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health; 2018 - 2018
Burden of catastrophic health expenditures for acute myocardial infarction and stroke among uninsured in the United States, Circulation, 137: 408-410; 2018 - 2018
Evaluation of neighborhood disaster risk reduction programs in Latin America and the Caribbean , USAID; 2018 - 2018
Risk attitudes in medical decisions for others: an experimental approach, Health Economics, 26: 97-113.; 2017 - 2017
Association between modifiable risk factors and pharmaceutical expenditures among adults with atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease in the United States: 2012–2013 medical expenditures panel survey., Journal of the American Heart Association; 2017 - 2017
. Updated cost- effectiveness assessments of PCSK9 inhibitors from the perspectives of health system and private payers., JAMA Cardiology; 2017 - 2017
Economic evaluation of PCSK9 inhibitors in reducing cardiovascular risk from health system and private payer perspectives, PloS one, 12: e0169761.; 2017 - 2017
Healthcare advancement conference 2016 survey on patient safety culture in Lima and Callao [in Spanish, Acta Medica Peruana, 33: 344; 2017 - 2017
Implications of coronary artery calcium testing for treatment decisions among statin candidates according to the ACC/AHA cholesterol management guidelines: a cost-effectiveness analysis., JACC: Cardiovascular Imaging, 10(8), 938- 952.; 2017 - 2017
ROI calculator for reimbursement of self-measured blood pressure monitoring, American Medical Association; 2016 - 2017
Cost-benefit analysis of SMART hospitals in four Caribbean countries, Pan American Health Organization. ; 2016 - 2017
Economic impact of moderate-vigorous physical activity among those with and without established cardiovascular disease: 2012 medical expenditure panel survey., Journal of the American Heart Association, 5: e003614.; 2016 - 2016
Non-elective c-sections in public hospitals: capacity constraints and doctor incentives, Applied Economics, 48: 4719-31; 2016 - 2016
. Health insurance and contributive principle in the U.S. social security system [in Spanish], Revista Latinoamericana de Derecho Social, 23: 3-30.; 2016 - 2016
The impact of comprehensive pre-visit preparation on patient engagement and quality of care in a population of underserved diabetic patients: evidence from the care management medical home center model., Population Health Management, 19: 171-177.; 2016 - 2016
Asthma in schoolchildren in Monroe County, Florida: school-based needs assessment, Journal of Asthma, 53: 330-338.; 2016 - 2016
Health insurance and the contributive principle of social security in the United States. (In Spanish.) , Revista Latinoamericana de Derecho Social, 23: 3-30.; 2016 - 2016
Guidelines for the Estimation of Damage and Loss Assessment (DALA) of disasters in Health, Epidemics, Water and Sanitation., Pan American Health Organization; 2016 - 2017
Mother and Children FIRST! Fresh Ideas and Resources for Scholar Training, Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA); 2015 - 2020
Output congestion leads to compromised care in Peruvian public hospital neonatal units., Health Care Management Science, 1-8.; 2015 - 2015
Financial dependence of young adults with childhood ADHD, Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 44: 1217-29.; 2015 - 2015
Cost sharing and hospitalizations for ambulatory care sensitive conditions., Social Science and Medicine, 124: 115-120.; 2015 - 2015
Evaluation of diabetes care model & patient satisfaction , Health Choice Network; 2014 - 2015
The economic burden of adults with autism on families, FIU EMBRACE; 2014 - 2015
A proposed model for the integrated FIU HealthCare network – student health services, FIU Health; 2014 - 2015
Over-utilization of cesarean sections and misclassification error., Health Service and Outcomes Research Methodology, 14: 1-14.; 2014 - 2014
Cost-benefit analysis of home blood pressure monitoring: an insurance perspective., Hypertension, 64: 891-896.; 2014 - 2014
The impact of the Massachusetts health reform on unpaid medical bills., Inquiry, 50: 165-176.; 2014 - 2014
Cost-benefit analysis of a contingency management program for smoking cessation among pregnant smokers, Indiana State Department of Health ; 2013 - 2017
Economic evaluation of home blood pressure monitoring: a health system perspective, CECARE – Indiana University; 2012 - 2013
Economic evaluation of the central Indiana beacon diabetes project, Indiana Health Information Exchange; 2012 - 2013
Currency induced credit risk in a dollarized economy., Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 48: 105-114; 2012 - 2012
Cost sharing and hospitalizations for ambulatory care sensitive conditions: Chile and Peru, Inter-American Development Bank; 2011 - 2011
The private health care sector and the provision of prenatal care services in Latin America, World Development, 39: 615-622.; 2011 - 2011
. Health reform and cesarean sections in the private sector: the experience of Peru., Health Policy, 99: 124-130.; 2011 - 2011
The Private Health Care Sector and the provision of prenatal care services in Latin America, Inter-American Development Bank; 2009 - 2010
Overtreatment and variation in practice of cesarean sections in Indiana, Indiana University; 2009 - 2010
Risk factors for perinatal mortality in Peruvian social security hospitals: EsSalud’s Perinatal Surveillance System data analysis [in Spanish]., Anales de la Facultad de Medicina UNMSM; 2009 - 2009
Hospital efficiency and perinatal mortality in Peruvian social security health system, CIES – Peru; 2008 - 2009
Effects of leisure and non-leisure physical activity on mortality in U.S. adults over two decades, Annals of Epidemiology, 18: 889-895.; 2008 - 2008
Winners and losers of cesarean sections in Peru, CIES – Peru; 2006 - 2007
A Meta-Analysis of the Short and Long Term Effects of Home Blood Pressure Monitoring on Hypertension Control; Quality of Care and Outcomes Research Scientific Session; American Heart Association; 2015
Cost of Cardiovascular Disease Episodes among Patients with Hypertension; Quality of Care and Outcomes Research Scientific Session; American Heart Association; 2015
Cost-benefit analysis of home blood pressure monitoring: An insurance perspective; Quality of Care and Outcomes Research Scientific Session; American Heart Association; 2014
Trends, risks and opportunities in the private healthcare sector in Peru; Association of Private Hospitals, Lima, Peru; 2012
Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of CVDs: Methodological and Ethical Challenges; The 20th Annual Scientific Congress of the Chinese Society of Cardiology; Chinese Society of Cardiology. Hangzhou, China.; 2018
The value for money of SMART hospitals in the Caribbean.; PAHO Health Emergencies Partners' Forum 2019.; Pan American Health Organization. Washington D.C.; 2019
Hospital Efficiency and Perinatal mortality in Peru; Ministry of Health, Lima, Peru; 2010
The Private Health Care Sector and the provision of prenatal care services in Latin America; AcademyHealth, Chicago; 2009
A Structural Misclassification Model to Estimate the Impact of Non-clinical factors on Healthcare Utilization; AcademyHealth, Health Economics Interest Group, Washington DC.; 2008
The Contributive Principle in the Affordable Care Act; VI International Conference: New Principles for the Social Security in the XXI Century. Bogota, Colombia; 2015
The Role of the Private Sector in the Provision of Maternal and Child Care in Latin America; The Global Health & Innovation Conference; 2014
Cost Sharing and Hospitalizations for Ambulatory Care Sensitive Conditions: Chile and Peru; Inter-American Development Bank, Salvador, Brazil; 2011
Utilization of Cesarean Sections: Comparing Hospitals in Indiana; Indiana Perinatal Network Forum, Indianapolis.; 2011
Return on Investment of Self-Measured Blood Pressure: An Economic Model from the Insurers’ Perspective.; Joint Hypertension 2018 Scientific Session; American Heart Association and American Society of Hypertension, Chicago.; 2018
Cost-Benefit analysis for informed financial investments: a tool for the Caribbean scalable to the region.; VI Regional Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction in the Americas; United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction. Cartagena, Colombia; 2018
Effect of low and high financial incentives on birth weight of newborns to pregnant smokers enrolled in a contingency management intervention trial.; Annual meeting of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco; Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco, Baltimore; 2018
Payer’s viewpoint of atherosclerosis trials.; The 15th Global Cardiovascular Clinical Trialists Forum; Global Cardiovascular Clinical Trialists Forum (CVCT); 2018
Florida International University 11200 S.W. 8th Street Miami, Florida 33199