Current benchmark magnesium alloys,
such as the Mg-Al family, are thermally unstable at temperatures over 125 °C.
The currently available alternative for elevated temperature applications is
Mg-AE42, which can be used for temperatures up to 170 °C, above which there is
an abrupt degradation of creep resistance. The price range for Mg-AE42 is
extremely high. This invention uses an Mg-Sn alloy system, which can be used
for elevated temperature applications higher than the currently available
Mg-AE42 without compromising the mechanical strength at an affordable price.
The novel alloy family can be made from available natural resources within the
United States while offering improved mechanical properties and corrosion and
creep resistance at half the cost of commercially available alloys.
Better fuel economy with usage in car engine partsReduction in carbon dioxide emissions and environmental damage from vehiclesWithstand temperatures higher than commercially used alloysHalf the price of the raw materials per unit of the cheapest commercially available counterpartsWeight reduction in car engine parts will result in saving billions of dollars in the US
Market Application
Automotive industry for weight reduction to reduce emissionsBiomedical implantsAlternative for metals and polymers where enhanced mechanical properties are advantageous