Research Terms
Foods and Food Science Life Sciences Bacteriology Pathobiology Neurosciences Cognitive Neurosciences Metabolism Nutritional Physiology Taxonomy Gastroenterology Geriatrics Digestive System Diseases Infectious Diseases Nutrition and Metabolic Diseases Maternal and Child Health Nutrition Diet in Health and Disease Nutritional Aspects of Disease Pediatrics and Nutrition Health Promotion
Alzheimer's Disease Diet Gut Gut Health Gut Microbiome Human Microbiome Microbiome Nutrition In Aging Nutritional Neuroscience Sepsis
Food Processing & Technology Health Care
A food and gut microbiologist by training, Ravi is the biome geek and fanatic front-runner of the lab. His overarching mission is to decode how our diet and nutrition regulate and modulate our gut microbial communities and how this diet-biome interaction influences our health. Ultimately, he aims to excavate novel microbiome-based targets and therapies that can help prevent/ameliorate human diseases and improve human health and wellbeing. His lab specializes in executing multi-dynamic techniques including metagenomics, metabolomics, culturomics, and bioinformatics along with in-vitro, preclinical and clinical milieus to solve intricate mysteries of the extremely diverse and dynamic microbial world dwelling inside our gut. He has a wide array of multidisciplinary collaborations with experts in nutrition sciences, microbiology, cardiovascular biology, immunology, neuroscience, aging, and sepsis to gain comprehensive understanding of the role of our gut bugs in multiple aspects of our health.
US Shock Society, Member; 2021 - present
Infectious Disease Society of America, Member; 2021 - present
American Societies for Nutrition, Member; 2018 - present