Paret, Mathews L., Aaron J. Palmateer and Gary W. Knox. 2013. Evaluation of a Light-activated Nanoparticle Formulation of Titanium Dioxide with Zinc for Management of Bacterial Leaf Spot on Rosa ‘Noare’. HortScience 48(2):189-192. February 2013.
Freyre R, A. Moseley, C. Reinhardt-Adams, G.W. Knox, S.B. Wilson and Z. Deng. 2013. Breeding Ruellia spp. at the University of Florida. Proc. VIIth IS on New Floricultural Crops. Eds.: G. Facciuto and M.I. Sanchez. Acta Hort. 1000, pp. 423-428.
Shurberg, G., A.L. Shober, C. Wiese, G.C. Denny, G.W. Knox, K.A. Moore, and M.C. Giurcanu. 2012. Growth and quality response of five landscape-grown herbaceous perennials to nitrogen fertilization at five rates. HortTechnology 22(6): 787-797.
Arnold, M.A., D.L. Bryan, R. Cabrera, G.C. Denny, J.J. Griffin, J.K. Iles, A.R. King, G.W. Knox, L. Lombardini, G.V. McDonald, C.B. McKenney, D.T. Montague, G. Niu, H.B. Pemberton, A.L. Purnell, L.J. Shoemake, D.K. Struve., and W.T. Watson. 2012. Provenance experiments with baldcypress, live oak, and sycamore illustrate the potential for selecting more sustainable urban trees. Arboriculture and Urban Forestry 38(5):205-213.
Chappell, Matthew R., S. Kristine Braman, Jean Williams-Woodward and Gary Knox. 2012. Optimizing Plant Health and Pest Management of Lagerstroemia spp. in Commercial Production and Landscape Situations in the Southeastern United States: A Review. J. Environ. Hort. 30(3):161-172. September 2012.
Czarnecki, David M., II, Sandra B. Wilson, Gary W. Knox, Rosanna Freyre and Zhanao Deng. 2012. UF-T3 and UF-T4: Two Sterile Lantana camara Cultivars. HortScience 47(1): 132-137.
Freyre, Rosanna, Adam Moseley, Sandra B. Wilson and Gary W. Knox. 2012. Breeding and evaluating for landscape performance and fruitlessness in Mexican petunia (Ruellia, Acanthaceae). 2012. HortSci. 47(9):1245-1251.
Freyre, Rosanna, Adam Moseley, Sandra B. Wilson and Gary W. Knox. 2012. Fruitless Ruellia simplex R10-102 ('Mayan Purple') and R10-108 ('Mayan White'). HortScience 47(12):1808-1814.
Knox, Gary W., William E. Klingeman, Mathews Paret and Amy Fulcher. 2012. Management of pests, plant diseases and abiotic disorders of Magnolia species in the southeastern United States: A review. J. Environ. Hort. 30(4):223–234. December 2012.
Shurberg, Gitta, Amy L. Shober, Christine Wiese, Geoffrey Denny, Gary W. Knox, Kimberly A. Moore and M.C. Giurcanu. 2012. Response of landscape grown warm- and cool-season annuals to nitrogen fertilization at five rates. HortTechnology 22(3):368-375.
Tyler-Julian, Kara, Ozan Demirozer, Richard Figlar, Thomas Skarlinsky, Joe Funderburk and Gary Knox. 2012. New host records for Caliothrips striatus (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) on Magnolia spp. with the description of the second instar. Florida Entomologist 95(2):485-488.
Wilson, S.B., R. Freyre, G.W. Knox and Z. Deng. 2012. Characterizing the invasive potential of ornamental plants. Acta Hort. 937:1183-1192.
DeGroote, Lucas W., Holly K. Ober, Gary W. Knox , Jeff G. Norcini, and James Aldrich. 2011. Susceptibility of Cultivated Native Wildflowers to Deer Damage. Southeastern Naturalist 10(4):761-771.
Thetford, Mack, Gary W. Knox and Edwin R. Duke. 2011. Ornamental Grasses Show Minimal Response
to Cultural Inputs. HortTechnology 21(4):443-450.