Research Terms
Materials Engineering Materials Sciences Nuclear Materials Solid Mechanics Computational Physics
Computational Materials Science Computational Mechanics Fuel Performance Modeling Nuclear Materials
Advanced Materials & Products Nuclear Energy
L. Yang, V. Yadav, J. Melville, J.B. Harley, A.R. Krause, M.R. Tonks, A triple junction energy study using an inclination-dependent anisotropic Monte Carlo Potts grain growth model, Materials & Design 239 (2024) 112763.
M. Sessim, L. Shi, T.J. Calvert, S.R. Phillpot, M.R. Tonks, Phase-field model of char oxidation in ablative thermal protection system materials, Computational Materials Science. 233 (2024) 112713.
J. Melville, V. Yadav, L. Yang, A.R. Krause, M.R. Tonks, J.B. Harley, A New Efficient Grain Growth Model using a Random Gaussian-Sampled Mode Filter, Materials & Design. (2023) 112604.
A. Motta, P.-C. Simon, L.-Q. Chen, M. Daymond, M. Tonks, Mechanisms of Mesoscale Hydride Morphology and Reorientation in a Polycrystal Investigated Using Phase-Field Modeling, in: Zirconium in the Nuclear Industry: 20th International Symposium, ASTM International, 2023: pp. 807–830.
X. Bognarova, W. Jiang, D. Schwen, M.R. Tonks, A comparative study of two numerical approaches for solving Kim–Kim–Suzuki phase-field models, Computational Materials Science. 229 (2023) 112375.
R.S. Ullberg, X. Wu, M.R. Tonks, S.R. Phillpot, Energetics and diffusion kinetics of point defects in MnCr2O4 spinel from first principles, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids. 181 (2023) 111519.
X. Wu, I. Abdallah, W. Jiang, R.S. Ullberg, S.R. Phillpot, A. Couet, J.H. Perepezko, M.R. Tonks, A phase-field study of stainless-steel oxidation from high-temperature carbon dioxide exposure, Computational Materials Science. 218 (2023) 111996.
S. Zhang, W. Jiang, K.A. Gamble, M.R. Tonks, Comparing the impact of thermal stresses and bubble pressure on intergranular fracture in UO2 using 2D phase field fracture simulations, Journal of Nuclear Materials. 574 (2023) 154158.
C. Vivek Bhave, G. Zheng, K. Sridharan, D. Schwen, M.R. Tonks, An electrochemical mesoscale tool for modeling the corrosion of structural alloys by molten salt, Journal of Nuclear Materials. 574 (2023) 154147.
V. Muralikrishnan, H. Liu, L. Yang, B. Conry, C.J. Marvel, M.P. Harmer, G.S. Rohrer, M.R. Tonks, R.M. Suter, C.E. Krill, A.R. Krause, Observations of unexpected grain boundary migration in SrTiO3, Scripta Materialia. 222 (2023) 115055.
I.D. Khurjekar, B. Conry, M.S. Kesler, M.R. Tonks, A.R. Krause, J.B. Harley, Automated, high-accuracy classification of textured microstructures using a convolutional neural network, Frontiers in Materials. 10 (2023).
B. Conry, J.B. Harley, M.R. Tonks, M.S. Kesler, A.R. Krause, Engineering grain boundary anisotropy to elucidate grain growth behavior in alumina, Journal of the European Ceramic Society. 42 (2022) 5864–5873.
B. Michel, M. Welland, N. Ofori-Opoku, L. Vanbrutzel, K. Kulacsy, M.R. Tonks, P.-G. Vincent, F. Ribeiro, A. Jelea, G. Pastore, D.A. Anderson, J. Gatt, R. Madec, J.-P. Crocombette, State of the art of fuel micro-mechanical modelling: from atomic scale to engineering laws in fuel performance codes, Journal of Nuclear Materials. (2022) 154034.
L. Yang, F. Hilty, V. Muralikrishnan, K. Silva-Reyes, J.B. Harley, A.R. Krause, M.R. Tonks, Calculating the grain boundary inclination of voxelated grain structures using a smoothing algorithm, Scripta Materialia. 218 (2022) 114796.
W. Yan, J. Melville, V. Yadav, K. Everett, L. Yang, M.S. Kesler, A.R. Krause, M.R. Tonks, J.B. Harley, A novel physics-regularized interpretable machine learning model for grain growth, Materials & Design. (2022) 111032.
P. Wen, M.R. Tonks, S.R. Phillpot, D.E. Spearot, The effect of stress on the migration of He gas bubbles under a thermal gradient in Fe by phase-field modeling, Computational Materials Science. 209 (2022) 111392.
M. Sessim, L. Shi, S.R. Phillpot, M.R. Tonks, Phase-field modeling of carbon fiber oxidation coupled with heat conduction, Computational Materials Science. 204 (2022) 111156.
I. Abdallah, T. Kim, X. Wu, L. Bailly-Salins, M. Elbakhshwan, M. Carroll, M.R. Tonks, J.H. Perepezko, A. Couet, Oxidation kinetics and microstructure evolution of high Mn stainless-steel alloy in CO2 at 700 °C, Corrosion Science. 195 (2022) 110013.
D.-U. Kim, S. Blondel, D.E. Bernholdt, P. Roth, F. Kong, D. Andersson, M.R. Tonks, B.D. Wirth, Modeling mesoscale fission gas behavior in UO2 by directly coupling the phase field method to spatially resolved cluster dynamics, Materials Theory. 6 (2022) 7.
S. Zhang, W. Jiang, M.R. Tonks, Assessment of four strain energy decomposition methods for phase field fracture models using quasi-static and dynamic benchmark cases, Mater Theory. 6 (2022) 6.
P.-C.A. Simon, L.K. Aagesen, A.M. Jokisaari, L.-Q. Chen, M.R. Daymond, A.T. Motta, M.R. Tonks, Investigation of ? zirconium hydride morphology in a single crystal using quantitative phase field simulations supported by experiments, Journal of Nuclear Materials. 557 (2021) 153303.
L. Shi, M. Sessim, M.R. Tonks, S.R. Phillpot, High-temperature oxidation of carbon fiber and char by molecular dynamics simulation, Carbon. 185 (2021) 449–463.
J. Hirschhorn, F. Hilty, M.R. Tonks, J. Rosales, Review and Preliminary Investigation into Fuel Loss from Cermets Composed of Uranium Nitride and a Molybdenum-Tungsten Alloy for Nuclear Thermal Propulsion Using Mesoscale Simulations, JOM. (2021).
A.A. Rezwan, A.M. Jokisaari, M.R. Tonks, Modeling brittle fracture due to anisotropic thermal expansion in polycrystalline materials, Computational Materials Science. 194 (2021) 110407.
S. Zhang, D.-U. Kim, W. Jiang, M.R. Tonk, A phase field model of crack propagation in anisotropic brittle materials with preferred fracture planes, Computational Materials Science. 193 (2021) 110400.
M. Sessim, M.R. Tonks, Multiscale Simulations of Thermal Transport in W-UO2 CERMET Fuel for Nuclear Thermal Propulsion, Nuclear Technology. 0 (2021) 1–11.
P.-C.A. Simon, C. Frank, L.-Q. Chen, M.R. Daymond, M.R. Tonks, A.T. Motta, Quantifying the effect of hydride microstructure on zirconium alloys embrittlement using image analysis, Journal of Nuclear Materials. 547 (2021) 152817.
F.W. Hilty, D.-U. Kim, M.R. Tonks, Impact of fission gas bubbles on thermal conductivity of UO2 fuels with high thermal conductivity additives, Journal of Nuclear Materials. 546 (2021) 152779.
I. Greenquist, M. Tonks, Y. Zhang, Analysis of the impact of fuel microstructure on irradiation-enhanced densification using grand potential simulations, Annals of Nuclear Energy. 151 (2021) 107858.
M.R. Tonks, P.-C.A. Simon, J. Hirschhorn, Mechanistic grain growth model for fresh and irradiated UO2 nuclear fuel, Journal of Nuclear Materials. 543 (2021) 152576.
F.W. Hilty, M.R. Tonks, Development and application of a microstructure dependent thermal resistor model for UO2 reactor fuel with high thermal conductivity additives, Journal of Nuclear Materials. 540 (2020) 152334.
P-C.A. Simon, L.K. Aagesen, A.T. Motta, M.R. Tonks, The effects of introducing elasticity using different interpolation schemes to the grand potential phase field model, Computational Materials Science. 183 (2020) 109790.
A. Rezwan, M.R. Tonks, M.P. Short, Evaluations of the performance of multi-metallic layered composite cladding for the light water reactor accident tolerant fuel, Journal of Nuclear Materials. (2020) 152136, 1–13.
W. Noble, M.R. Tonks, S.P. Fitzgerald, Turing Instability in the Solid State: Void Lattices in Irradiated Metals, Phys. Rev. Lett. 124 (2020) 167401, 1–6.
A. Cheniour, M.R. Tonks, B. Gong, T. Yao, L. He, J.M. Harp, B. Beeler, Y. Zhang, J. Lian, Development of a grain growth model for U3Si2 using experimental data, phase field simulation and molecular dynamics, Journal of Nuclear Materials. 532 (2020) 152069, 1–26.
I. Greenquist, M. Tonks, M. Cooper, D. Andersson, Y. Zhang, Grand potential sintering simulations of doped UO2 accident-tolerant fuel concepts, Journal of Nuclear Materials. (2020) 152052, 1–28.
J. Hirschhorn, M. Tonks, C. Matthews, A CALPHAD-informed approach to modeling constituent redistribution in Zr-based metallic fuels using BISON, Journal of Nuclear Materials. (2020) 152657.
J. Hirschhorn, M. Tonks, A. Aitkaliyeva, C. Adkins, Reexamination of a U-Zr diffusion couple experiment using quantitative phase-field modeling and sensitivity analysis, Journal of Nuclear Materials. 529 (2020) 151929, 1–13.
I. Greenquist, M.R. Tonks, L.K. Aagesen, Y. Zhang, Development of a microstructural grand potential-based sintering model, Computational Materials Science. 172 (2020) 109288, 1–15.
Zhang, W. Jiang, M.R. Tonks, A new phase field fracture model for brittle materials that accounts for elastic anisotropy, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 358 (2020) 112643, 1–15.
A. Aitkaliyeva, C.A. Adkins, C. McKinney, J. Hirschhorn, M.R. Tonks, In search of ?-(Pu,Zr) in binary Pu–Zr: Thermal and microstructural analyses of Pu???30Zr alloy, Journal of Nuclear Materials. 528 (2020) 151875, 1–8.
J. Hirschhorn, M.R. Tonks, A. Aitkaliyeva, C. Adkins, A study of constituent redistribution in U–Zr fuels using quantitative phase-field modeling and sensitivity analysis, Journal of Nuclear Materials. 523 (2019) 143–156.
A. Aitkaliyeva, C.A. Adkins, J. Hirschhorn, C. McKinney, M.R. Tonks, F.G. Di Lemma, Microstructural characterization of the as-cast and annealed Pu-10Zr alloy, Journal of Nuclear Materials. 523 (2019) 80–90.
M.R. Tonks, L.K. Aagesen, The Phase Field Method: Mesoscale Simulation Aiding Material Discovery, Annual Review of Materials Research. 49 (2019) 79–102.
J. Hirschhorn, A. Aitkaliyeva, C. Adkins, M. Tonks, The microstructure and thermodynamic behavior of as-cast U-24Pu-15Zr: Unexpected results and recommendations for U-Pu-Zr fuel research methodology, Journal of Nuclear Materials. 518 (2019) 80–94.
J. Hirschhorn, M. Tonks, A. Aitkaliyeva, C. Adkins, Development and verification of a phase-field model for the equilibrium thermodynamics of U-Pu-Zr, Annals of Nuclear Energy. 124 (2019) 490–502.
I. Greenquist, M.R. Tonks, Y. Zhang, Review of sintering and densification in nuclear fuels: Physical mechanisms, experimental results, and computational models, Journal of Nuclear Materials. 507 (2018) 381–395.
M.R. Tonks, A. Cheniour, L. Aagesen, How to apply the phase field method to model radiation damage, Computational Materials Science. 147 (2018) 353–362.