Research Terms
1. Brar T, Nagaraj S and Mohapatra SS. Microbes and asthma in elderly: the missing cellular and molecular links. Curr Opin in Pulm Med (in press), 2011.
2. Alwarappan S, Kumar A, Singh S, Pillai SK, Mohapatra SS. Direct electrochemistry of glucose oxidase at a gold electrode modified with graphene nanosheets.
Analytical Lett, (in press), 2011.
3. Wang X, Raulji P, Mohapatra SS, Patel R, Hellermann G, Kong X, Vera P, Siegler, K, Coppola D, and Mohapatra S. Natriuretic peptide receptor A, NPRA as a novel target for prostate cancer. Molecular Cancer. 17;10(1):56. 2011, PMID: 21586128
4. Zhang W, Cao X, Chen D, Wang JW, Yang H, Wang W, Mohapatra S, Hellermann G, Kong X,
Mohapatra SS. Genet Vaccines Ther. Jan 10;9(1):3, 2011.
5. Mohapatra SS (Preface) Editorial: Nanobio collaborative explores nano-bio interface
Technology and Innovation, 13: 1-3, 2011
Davis Y, Mohapatra, SS and Mohapatra S. Three dimensional scaffolds in Nano-bio interphase research. Technology & Innovation 13:51-62, 2011.
6. Mohapatra SS, Mohapatra S, Boyapalle S and Hellermann G. Multifunctional Chitosan-Nanocarriers for Gene Therapy. Technology & Innovation 13: 27-37, 2011.
7. Wang J-W, Li K., Hellermann G, Lockey RF, Mohapatra S. and Mohapatra SS. Regulating the Regulators: microRNA and asthma. World Allergy Org J 4(6):94-103, 2011.
8. Groër M, Yolken R. Beckstead J, Fuchs J, Mohapatra SS, Seyfang A and Postolache T. Prenatal depression and anxiety in Toxoplasma gondii positive women.
Am J ObstetGynecol; Am J Obstret Gynecol. 2011 May; 204(5):433.e1-7. Epub 2011 Feb 23.
PMID: 21345406 [PubMed - in process]
9. Mohapatra SS and Hellerman G. (Preface) Infections and asthma.
Immunology and allergy clinics of North America. 30(4):xiii-xviii, 2010.
10. Wong T, Hellermann G and Mohapatra SS. The infectious march: the complex interaction between microbes and the immune system in asthma. Immunology and allergy clinics of North America. 12010; 30(4):453-80, 2010.
11. Kandasamy R, Park SJ, Hellermann GR, Lockey RF, Mohapatra SS. Isatin down-regulates expression of atrial natriuretic peptide receptor A and inhibits airway inflammation in a mouse model of allergic asthma. International Immunopharmacology 10:218-225, 2010, PMID: 19900583 [Epub ahead of print]
12. Mohapatra SS, Qazi M and Hellerman G. Allergen Immunotherapy for asthma, present and future. Curr Opinion in Pharmacol, Jun;10(3):276-88, 2010.
13. Kumar A, Jena PK, Behera S, Lockey RF, Mohapatra S, Mohapatra SS. Multifunctional Magnetic Nanoparticles for Targeted Delivery. Nanomedicine. 2009 May 13. PMID: 19446653
14. Mohapatra SS, Park SJ, Boyapalle S, Pastey, MK, Graham BS, Blanck G. Human Respiratory Syncytial Virus Reduces S-Phase Cells and Increases GADD153 Expression in HEP-2 Cells.
Acta Virologica 53:3 2009
15. Wang X, Xu W, Kong X, Chen D, Hellermann G, Ahlert TA, Giaimo JD, Cormier SA, Li X, Lockey RF, Mohapatra S, Mohapatra SS. Modulation of lung inflammation by vessel dilator in a mouse model of allergic asthma. Respir Res. 2009 Jul 17;10:66
16. Kong, X, GR. Hellermann, W. Zhang, P Jena, M Kumar, A Behera, S Behera,R Lockey, and SS Mohapatra. Chitosan IFN-gamma Nanogene (CIN) Therapy for Lung Disease: Modulation of T Cell and Dendritic Cell Immune Responses.
Allergy, Asthma and Clinical Immunology, 4:95-105 2008.
17. V. Fal-Miyar, A. Kumar, S. Mohapatra, S. Shirley, N. A. Frey,M. Barandiarän, and G. V. Kurlyandskaya Giant Magnetoimpedance for Biosensing in Drug Delivery. Biomagnetism and
Magnetic biosystems-based on molecular recognition processes, AIP Conf Proc. P. 131, 2008.
18. Kong X, Wang X, Xu W, Behera S, Hellermann G, Kumar A, Lockey R, Mohapatra S., Mohapatra SS. Natriuretic Peptide Receptor A as a Novel Anticancer Target.
Cancer Research 68(1):249-56,2008.
19. Wang X, Xu W, Mohapatra S, Kong X, Li X, Lockey RF, Mohapatra SS. Prevention of airway inflammation with topical cream containing imiquimod and small interfering RNA for natriuretic peptide receptor.Genet Vaccines Ther. 2008 Feb 15; 6(1):7.
20. Mohapatra SS and San-Juan Vergara H. Designer monoclonal antibodies as drugs: the state of the art. Expert Rev Clin Immunol 4(3), 305-307, 2008 (Editorial)
21. Mohapatra SS and Lockey RF. Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infection, from biology to prophylaxis: A perspective. World Allergy Organization Journal 1:21-28, 2008.
22. Lima J. SS Mohapatra, H. Feng, R. Lockey, PK Jena, JA. Johnson,J. Wang, JE. Sylvester, Polymorphisms in the NPPA gene associate with asthma. Clin Exp Allergy, 38(7):1117-23, 2008.
23. Mohapatra SS and S. Boyapalle, Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infection and Asthma: A critical appraisal of epidemiologic, experimental and clinical link. Clin Microbiol Rev, 21(3):495-504, 2008.
24. Kong, X, G Hellerman, W Zhang, P Jena, M Kumar, A Behera, S Behera, R Lockey and SS Mohapatra. Chitosan interferon-g Nnaogene therapy for lung disease: Modulation of T cell and dendritic cell immune responses. Allergy Asthma Clin Immunol, 4:95-105, 2008.
25. Mohapatra SS, San-Juan-Vergara H, Wopfner N, Ferreira F. Experimental forms of allergen immunotherapy with modified allergens and adjuvants. Clin Allergy Immunol. 2008;21:393-413.
26. Mohapatra SS, Lockey RF, Polo F. Weed pollen allergens.Clin Allergy Immunol. 2008;21:127-39.
27. Lee D, Mohapatra SS. Chitosan nanoparticle-mediated gene transfer. Methods Mol Biol. 2008; 433:127-40.
28. Shirley SA, Montpetit AJ, Lockey RF, Mohapatra SS. Curcumin prevents human dendritic cell response to immune stimulants. Biochem Biophys Res Commun.26; 374(3):431-6, 2008. PMID: 18639521
Scientific Review Panel, American Heart Association; 2002 - 2003
Special Emphasis Panel on Asthma and Allergy Disease Center, National Institutes of Health; 2002 - 2003
Innate Immunity and Bioterrorism Related Grants, National Institutes of Health; 2002 - 2003
Centers of Excellence on Allergy and Asthma, National Institutes of Health; 2002 - 2002
Genetic Vaccines and Therapy; 2002 - 2002
Scientific Review Panel, American Heart Association, Southern Consortium; 2001 - 2001
Scientific Review Panel, American Lung Association; 1998 - 1998
Research Grants, American Lung Association; 1998 - 1998
Scientific Review Panel on AIDS, Vaccines and Immunology of Aging, National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases; 1997 - 1997
Faculty of Medicine Research Awards, University of Manitoba, College of Medicine; 1994 - 1994
Operating Grants, Manitoba Health Research Council; 1993 - 1995
Recent Advances in Allergology and Clinical Immunology; International Symposium; ; 1993
Treatment of allergies with peptides: the future?'; 15th International Congress of Allergology and Clinical Immunology and European Academy Of Allergology and Clinical Immunology, Meet the Professor Luncheon Seminar; ; 1994
Therapy of IgE mediated reaction with recombinant allergens and epitopes; 15th International Congress of Allergology and Clinical Immunology and European Academy Of Allergology and Clinical Immunology, Symposium on Basic Allergy: IgE regulation and therapy; ; 1994
Workshop on Immunotherapy of allergic diseases. Recombinant allergens and peptides: implications in immunotherapy; 8th International Congress of Immunology; ; 1995
Workshop on allergens and allergy. Failure to induce IgE antibody in SJL mice is not due to a defect in IL-4 production; 8th International Congress Immunology; ; 1995
HLA-D typing by rDNA technology; Workshop on HLA and Allergy Association Study; Glaxo; 1991
; Breakfast Seminar: 56th Annual Meeting ; American academy of Allergy Asthma and Immunology; 2000
Peptide Immunotherapy: Principles and Potential; International Asthma Symposium; ;
Downregulation of specific Immune responses with TCR peptides vaccination; Second Annual Congress of British Society of Immunology Meeting; ; 1994
Role of adhesion molecules in allergy and asthma; 50th Mexican Society of Allergy and Immunology.; ; 1995
Basic aspects of specific Immunotherapy; Symposium on Immunotherapy; Interasthma-95;
Intra- and inter-species cross-reactivities among pollen allergens; International Symposium on Molecular Biology and Immunology of Allergens, ; ; 1993
Treatment of pollen allergies and asthma with recombinant allergens and peptides'.; 5th International Congress of Aerobiology and Health; ; 1994
TCR V genes; Joint Workshop on HLA and Allergy Association Studies and the Allergen Database (ALBE); Johns Hopkins Asthma and Allergy Center; 1990
Workshop on 'aeroallergens', Identification of a novel highly cross-reactive allergen of plant pollens; 50th American academy of Allergy and immunology; ; 1994
; Symposium of Annual Meeting ; American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology; 2002
Symposium; International Asthma Congress; 2001: Plenary lecturer in major Symposium of International asthma Congress, Chicago, 2001.; 2001
Role of T cells and T cell cytokines in allergic disorders; Fourth International Allergy 2000 Symposium ; ; 1993
MAPKs; Workshop, Meeting; American Thoracic Society; 2000
Workshop on 'Cytokines in allergic inflammation, Differential expression of IL-2, IL-4 and IFN- after primary sensitization with allergens; 50th American academy of Allergy and Immunology; ; 1993
Predominant use of particular chains of TCR in suppressor T cell clones induced by tolerogenic Ag-mPEG conjugates of diverse specificities; 8th International. Congress Immunology; ; 1992
Allergy, Asthma and Clinical Immunology in the Year 2000 and Beyond; Symposium; University of South Florida; 1997
Workshop on regulation of IgE response: Inheritance of IgE Immune responsiveness in mice; 51st American Academy of Allergy and Immunology; ; 1995
New therapies for allergic disease: Peptide immunotherapy; 52nd. Annual Meeting, Advanced Seminar ; American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology; 1996
Advances in Peptide Immunotherapy: potential and implications; North Central Allergy Conference; ; 1995
Genetics and regulation of IgE response, Immunotherapy: past, present and future and Round Table discussions on 'Controversies on immunotherapy'.; 49th Mexican Society of Allergy and Immunology; ; 1994
Workshop on Pollen Allergy. 'T cell cross-reactivity among grass pollen allergens (GPA): Characterization GPA-specific T cell clones'.; XIV International Congress Allergol ClinIcal Immunology; ; 1991
Workshop on Pollen Allergy. The major epitopes of Poa pratensis IX allergens are localized on a conserved carboxy-terminal region; XIV International Congress Allergol ClinIcal Immunology; ; 1991
Workshop on Modulation, Molecular characterization of T cell receptors (TCR) of antigen-specific cloned suppressor T (Ts) cells; XIV International Congress Allergol ClinIcal Immunology; ; 1991
Workshop on Pollen Allergy, Development of a peptide expression strategy for the determination of epitopes on allergens; XIV International Congress Allergol ClinIcal Immunology; ; 1991
Molecular characterization of a novel abscisic acid responsive gene family; Gatlinburg Symposium; ; 1992
Application of molecular biology to allergic disease, and Animal models of Asthma.; XV Colombian Congress of Internal Medicine, Cartagena de Indias; ; 1998
; Symposium of Annual Meeting ; American Chest Physician’s Foundation; 2001
The nature versus nurture: Spotlight on asthma DNA Vaccine: Applications in allergy and asthma RSV infection and asthma: is there a link?; 52nd Mexican Congress of Allergy and Immunology; ; 1998
Advances in treatment of asthma; VII Workshop on Advances in Clinical Immunology and Allergy; ; 1998
; 53rd Mexican Congress of Allergy and Immunology; ; 1999
; Annual Congress ; Indian College of Allergy and Immunology; 1999
; Annual training Course for Pediatricians; ; 2000
T cell epitopes of allergens; American Academy of Allergy and Immunology; 1992
Therapeutic potential of recombinant allergens; Ninteenth Annual Symposium ; Collegium Internationale Allergologicum; 1992
Allergen Characterization; 53rd American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology Mini Symposium.; ; 1997
Molecular Biology of Allergic Response; 53rd American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology Mini Symposium; ; 1997
Immunobiology of Proteins and Peptides,'Recombinant allergens and their potential use in immunotherapy; Seventh International Symposium; ; 1992
Downregulation of antigen-specific Immune responses with TCR peptides; 3rd International Workshop on Suppression ; ; 1993
Allergens and allergic reactions; International Congress of Immunology, Workshop; ; 1998
Center for Research and Education in Nanobioengineering
Director |
Shyam Mohapatra |
Phone | 813-974-8568 |
Website | https://health.usf.edu/medicine/nanomed |
Mission | The primary mission of the NRC is to serve as a catalyst for advancing the basic and translational aspects of nanomedicine, tissue engineering and cell technologies at the USF College of Medicine. |
University of South Florida 4202 E. Fowler Avenue MDC0019 Tampa, FL 33620